Institute Level Safety
The institute has a comprehensive Safety Management System. The Safety committee has formulated policies, developed a safety manual and conducts regular training programs for staff and students. Monitoring is a part of safety management system. It includes safety audits and inspections. Regular checks are also conducted for fire safety including fire extinguishers and PPEs. The safety management system also undertakes investigations of incident and proper follow ups. The institute has two full time safety officers to oversee on-campus safety including class rooms, labs, workshops and hostels. A separate safety officer monitors construction work at new campus.
1. Laboratory Safety Orientation for Staff: A day-long safety training workshop was conducted for all technical staff members of IIT Gandhinagar on 4 Jan 2014. Besides lectures emphasizing the importance of safety in academic labs, the participants carried a hazard assessment of their respective labs and reported on improvements needed. The afternoon sessions provided technical and hands-on training on fire fighting and were conducted by personnel from Ceasefire industries Limited.
2. Safety Orientation for Freshers (2014-2015): Safety Orientation was imparted to all the Freshers who joined the institute in July 2014 where in students were familiarized with Importance of Safety in Academic setting, Fire Safety and Fire Prevention, Best Laboratory Practices and Duties of Responsible students.
A follow-up hands-on training on fire safety was conducted in Jan 2015 covering fire safety procedures, evacuation protocols, fire prevention, fire fighting (Types of Fires, Types of extinguishers and their mechanism of action) in detail and every student carried out an actual fire-fighting operation.
Fire Safety Training-2015
The centre is enforcing the following provisions to ensure strict compliance to safety
1. Basic Rules of Lab Safety has been prepared and will be provided to all the students who should affirm strict adherence to the same through an undertaking.
2. Emergency contact details of all laboratory personnel made readily available and prominently displayed.
3. Campus wide safety awareness through prominent display of signage about Handling Fire, Spillage and Usage of Personal Protective Equipment in laboratory at all times and Emergency contact details in case of accident.